Zach Works Out; Week 1 Starter to be Named Wednesday

Zach Wilson took a step towards returning today as he hit the field for a workout. Robert Saleh said it is possible that Zach could play on Sunday and that he will announce the starting QB on Wednesday.
Well, we put Zach (Wilson) through a workout today. Looked good, felt good. We’re going to see how the knee responds today and tomorrow and we’ll have an answer for everybody on Wednesday.
Robert Saleh was asked about Zach having enough practice time to return.
Eventually, whether it’s this week, next week, it’s going to be the same story like you’re talking about, Rich where eventually he has to get back in there and whether it’s this week, next week, the week after, it doesn’t matter, so you just have to rip the band aid off. When Zach’s ready to play and he’s healthy, like I’ve said from the beginning, when he’s healthy and he feels good, he’s going to play football.
What kind of workout did Zach do today?
Just putting him through some workouts, running and all that stuff. I mean whatever they do, I’d have the get you that answer from the training staff and our docs (doctors).
He did do some throwing, but again, like the details of all that stuff, I couldn’t give you the details of what his rep count was and all that stuff.
Most Jets fans seem convinved that Joe Flacco will be named the starter for week 1, with Zach returning for week 2. Stop by the JetNation forums and let us know what you think.
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