We are pleased to announce that we have upgraded the site. Check out the new JetNation.com homepage. The layout is updated and the categories have been modified to make finding content by topic easier. We also included a new feature that shows the last several topics from our NY Jets Forum
. We also wanted to highlight our social media, so please check that out and give us a follow\like if you can.Earlier this we we also upgraded our forums. Users now have the ability to combine forums based on topics. If you want to see all posts from the Jets forum and off topic forum all you have to do is select the fluid view and you can filter by forum.
We also added a customizer option and a dark mode theme. Those icons can be found on the top right. This gives you the ability to view the site with a white background or in dark mode, i.e. black background like what you see in the screen print below. Customizer allows you to move things around, including the sidebar and set your preferences which will be saved and remembered.
Check out the site and let us know what you think. We will be working on new versions of the Apps next. Thanks and go Jets!