Under The Radar Thoughts

In this time with facilities still closed a couple of issues that are “under the radar” will impact how teams prep for the season:
– How good are team’s IT and video departments? Have they been keeping up with the advances in the industry? Can they run the team’s operations smoothly with everyone decentralized?
– Is your locker room filled with players who are good workers and self-starters? Are they going to be working out and in their playbooks even without coaches checking up on them?
– How good is your coaching staff in the classroom? Can they convey/install their schemes in a “virtual classroom” with everyone spread across the country?
– With rookie camps and OTA’s being impacted I believe players that display certain traits will be in higher demand in the draft:
* Maturity and being a self-starter. Have they developed a reputation in college for doing the right thing and not needing a coach breathing down their neck.
* Technique at their position. The more proficient a player is the easier it will be in preparing them for the season. A coach isn’t going to have time to restructure a players technique.
* Good positional strength. The strength coaches aren’t going to have time to put them through a full program. Do they have a decent level of strength to get onto the field.
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