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Jets House New York City 2016

Jets House is back for the third time, but at a new location.  The Ainsworth on West 26th Street, NYC will be hosting the festivities for fans, and players former and current. Jets fans can sign up

for morning and evening sessions on Friday January 29th and Saturday January 30th. Some of the players going include Ryan Fitzpatrick, former QB Chad Pennington, Demario Davis, and former WR Wesley Walker. Enjoy live entertainment, delicious food, and talking with your favorite players and friends.

Jets Season Ticket Holders receive preferred pricing. For more information, please call your Jets Representative, or click here.



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Courtney Aurillo
My passion as a Jets fan led me to be a writer for Social media then grew to be a popular way for fans to see Jets news. We knew we needed to use those outlets to reach different audiences who were Jets fans. I then became the social media manager for
Courtney Aurillo

My passion as a Jets fan led me to be a writer for Social media then grew to be a popular way for fans to see Jets news. We knew we needed to use those outlets to reach different audiences who were Jets fans. I then became the social media manager for

Published by
Courtney Aurillo
Tags: Jets House