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JetNation Leagues: Win $ and Prizes (the site that cares) is proud to announce several football and fantasy football leagues this year. They are listed below and this is your chance to show your football knowledge. Play against other members from the JetNation community. You can win money and possibly even a signed Jets football.
FanDuel – JetNation League
This league costs $10 to join and it is a one week fantasy football league (Sunday games only). Basically you draft a roster and you have to stay under the salary cap. Check out the prize money, this one is worth a look. We will be doing a league with FanDuel each week this season.
Click here to enter
The next two leagues are on Yahoo:
Pick ‘Em with Spreads
This pool runs all year, you make your picks each week. At the end of the season JetNation will be giving an autographed football to the winner (player to be announced later). The 2nd place winner gets a $25 Visa gift card.
Group ID# (37065)
Password is: tuffd15
JetNation Survivor Pool
You pick one team each week, no spread. If that team wins you make it to the next week. If your team loses, you are out. You can only pick a team once each season. JetNation will be giving a $100 gift card to the winner.
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