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Please Help A Beat Reporter In Need

Manish_MehtaManish_MehtaHey JetNation your help is needed.  Manish Mehta of the NY Daily News is looking for a new logo.  He can’t create one on his own because he is busy interviewing all of his “sources”. Please help him out and create a logo for him.

To show our admiration for Manish, and help him in this process, we will give one lucky fan an autographed 8 x 10 photo of John Conner.  Why John Conner you ask?  Well, because when we read Manish’s articles we wish someone would terminate them.

We will really pick one winner and send you the Conner photo.   All you have to do is create a logo for Manish and then send it to us:

Thanks in advance for your help!

Phil Sullivan

I started JetNation in 2005 and have been a New York Jets season ticket holder since graduating from high school. My dream is to see the New York Jets win the Super Bowl. Until then, I will be right here on JetNation writing, dreaming and talking NY Jets football.

Published by
Phil Sullivan