Mark Brunell Takes 1st Team Snaps In Practice
Mark Brunnel took some first team snaps in practice today. This really seems like a non-story, Rex Ryan has stated that Mark Sanchez is his QB and his job is not in jeopardy. But this is the internet and we need things to talk about so here is what the involved parties had to say:
Mark Brunell
On taking reps with the first-team offense…
It was a big day (Joking). I think I got four plays. Out of the 40 that we ran, I got four. So, I was pretty excited about that. I think three of them were runs, but it was good to go in there a little bit.
On how many reps he gets in a typical week…
Maybe one, maybe two. Every place is different. Typically, here we give our starter 99% of the reps.
Mark Sanchez
On Mark Brunell getting snaps in practice…
That’s the coach’s decision, I’m just controlling what I can and that’s trying to improve, make better decisions with the football and taking the reps I have and doing well with them.
On coach Ryan saying that he is not talking to him…
No, not at all. At least not on purpose.
On if it gets under his skin for him to miss reps…
I guess maybe last year it did, but I don’t know. That’s Rex’s deal.
On if it is a motivational tool…
I think that’s what he’s using it for, so sure.
On if he thinks it is working…
I don’t know, we’ll see (on) Sunday.
On him playing better last season when he had reps taken away…
He’s superstitious.
Rex Ryan
On whether he has thought about giving Mark Brunell reps to challenge Sanchez…
Oh yeah, I’ve done it. I gave Brunell a snap or two.
On if it is the first time that he has given Brunell snaps this season…
On if Sanchez had the same reaction to it as he did last year…
He’s not happy with me.
On if he gave Brunell snaps to motivate Sanchez…
Yes, just like a, ‘Hey, look.’ I told everybody, we’re going to play everybody on our roster. (That is) what always happens, but we do have to have guys prepared. Mark has played well, but do I want to get the one guy a snap? Absolutely, and I think it does send a message that, hey, look, every single player, no matter how good, Darrelle Revis doesn’t take every snap in practice a lot of times, but I did. Now, this thing is going to be headlines. (joking) You know me, if I think something is working, we’ll go with it. If we played better when we did it last year, then I will do that. If it’s to wear Titans stuff, then I’ll do it.
On Sanchez playing better last year after he gave Brunell a few snaps in practice…
Yes, he did.
On if he thinks there is a correlation between Brunell getting snaps and how Sanchez plays…
No, but we’re going with it. I don’t think it really matters, but for some reason, he had got a little hot under the collar and gave that super-competitive fighting spirit that we know he has.
On how one snap fires Sanchez up…
I don’t know. You’d have to ask him, but it seems to work.
On how many snaps he gave Brunell last season…
It was about one or two a practice.
On if he gives Brunell snaps with the first-team offense…
Yes, the ones are out there, so he got a snap.
On how he knew that Sanchez was not happy…
(Laughing) Oh, gee, look at his body language. He hasn’t talked to me for real. He has not said one word.
On if Sanchez hasn’t talked to him all week…
Not to me.
On if he thinks that Brunell having just one snap sends more of a message to Sanchez…
Yes, he probably knows what I’m doing. I know Mark Sanchez extremely well. I know how tough (he is) and that fighting spirit that he has. If it takes me to do this and take a punch in the nose, I don’t care, I’ll take it, but we have to have it from him. He’s the guy. He’s my guy and we have to have it from him. Everybody has to play that way and I just love when (he’s that way). When he’s that way, we’re extremely hard to beat.
On if he would consider taking out Sanchez if he gets off to a slow start on Sunday…
No, I’m not going to take him out. He’s our quarterback, but don’t even write that. Let him think it, you know what I mean (laughter).
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