Jason Taylor Interview Transcript 1/5/11

On Wednesday New York Jet Jason Taylor addressed the media.  Here is the transcript courtesy of the Jets.

On if he is driven by wanting a Super Bowl…

“That’s the only reason I play the game anymore. Really, (that’s the only reason I played) from day one. There is a lot of great byproducts from playing at a high level, you get paid and the fame and all that, but the reason we play this game is win the Championship. You can’t do that if you don’t make the playoffs and this is the first step.”

On if this is his last chance to win a Super Bowl…

“You know, I feel that way every year. You never know in this game. You’re one bad injury from having to hang it up. The older you get in your career, you realize the end is getting closer and closer. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The light is coming quicker and quicker to the point where it’s not blinding yet, but you need sunglasses on. You realize the end is near.”

On whether the players share Coach Ryan’s level of confidence in believing they can beat the Colts…

“I think we do. If you don’t, then shame on you. If you talk to the Colts and they don’t believe they’re going to win, then shame on them. People talk about the Jets’ bravado or whatever and (being) overconfident, but what would you want us to sit here and say? “We hope we win” or “if we happen to win.” No, you have to go in believing you can do it. If you don’t believe, then you might as well stay home.”

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Tyson Rauch
Tyson Rauch

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Tyson Rauch