Dear Greengal
Dear Greengal,
I am at a loss of what to do ..The draft is over and training camp doesn’t start till July? What am I going to do between now and then. Help!
depressed in Danbury
Dear Double D,
Ah yes…the time in limbo where the anticipation of the draft is gone and training camp is still a few months away.
Unfortunately you didn’t leave me with details of your personal life so I will have to put together some possible scenarios:
Married with kids….
Ok might be a good time to reacquaint your self with your wife. And yes there is a very good reason why she has been going through a 20 pack of double A batteries. OY! While you are doing that you might want to learn the name of the short people that live with you…there is a distinct reason why they look like you ( or in some cases …the pool boy) they are your children… ask your wife their names and approach them slowly.. your wife has taught them well, they might not respond at first …they have been told not to talk to strangers.
If you think that you can dust off your white leisure suit and hit the discos and do your best Tony Manero impression to the Bee Gee’s ..I don’t know if I can help you… although I know a woman who swoons over this kind of man…her name is Garb. .PM me for the 411….
Although if you have actually up to date on current culture and have a minor amount of couth…there is a great Diane Arbus exhibit at the MET. Go and expand your palate beyond the sausage and dogs that is your normal faire.. get some Thai food and spice up your taste buds. Top it off with a show. I would recommend Spamalot. Oh yes, take your best girl on this day of frolic and the frolic might continue after the show ends…that is if you remember what to do with it. LOL
Justin Fields Every Throw From Every Start 2024 via